
Drum Magazine invents unwoke agency

January 2024 , Publisher 1

The Drum magazine somehow thinks that there is a censorship issue in marketing. And that its effect is the  only ‘silencing’  of climate activists. (If only most normal people would think). It couldn’t find anyone doing this so it invented an agency that was.

In a bizarre move Agency rag The Drum has created a spoof website for an imaginary agency – Atmospheric.

They then ran a spoof piece supposedly written by its fictitious CEO Jamie Kolkot. It starts with a headline that is difficult to make sense of even as a spoof:

“Jamie Kolkot, the totally real CEO of totally real agency Atmospheric, bravely posits a solution to advertising’s real climate crisis. Silencing do-gooding activists. “ (what under any analysis could "advertising's real climate crisis" mean?)

So while agencies and self-appointed information vigilantes and fact-checkers are busy doing their best to actually silence news and opinion sites which have opinions they dislike by trying to defund them, The Drum tries to suggest that some ‘bad’ agencies who have ‘fossil fuel client’s might be evil enough to ‘silence activists’. It is quite funny because it is so ridiculous.

He (The fake CEO) poses the question:

“How will climate activists affect our bottom line?”

Well given that climate activists are largely funded by oil fortune heirs, quite well one would figure. The author of this little piece of weak satire at the Drum is therefore acting as much the globalists useful idiot as those actual idiot activists.

“By 2030, we have decided to make our workplace Climate Activist Free

How droll. The point we are supposed to be deducing from this presumably is that agencies really must be full of anti-oil activists. After all, we know that according to the dogma that much of marketing world and The Drum promotes, agencies are here to punish, pillory and protest against any commercial venture. No longer here to sell stuff for their clients, the are here to hypocritically promote the fashionable causes of the day.

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